Natural Health Shop Guernsey
Krill Oil
Krill Oil
Krill oil supplement is taken by many people in the UK because of its powerful health benefits.
This 100% pure oil is sourced and extracted from Antarctic krill, which are tiny crustaceans similar to shrimps.
The Euphausia Superba species is rich in essential Omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid (EPA and DHA), but in a more stable form than in other types of fish oils.
Oily fish such as trout and salmon are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and you can also take supplements such as krill oil.
As well as essential fatty acids, this Superba Krill Oil also contains high levels of antioxidants. Experts have said it is 48 times more potent than other omega oils.
A regular krill oil supplement may benefit you in the following ways:
maintaining general cardiovascular health
helping keep joints and bones healthy, especially valuable for people with arthritis.
regulating levels of blood sugar and hormones
supporting the brain, nervous system and immune system
helping to treat some types of depression
reducing “bad” cholesterol (low density lipoproteins (LDL)) and triglyceride levels
increasing "good" cholesterol(high-density lipoproteins (HDL))
helping protect against narrowing blood vessels and blocked arteries
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